efin Trade+

efin Trade+

Getting started (efin Trade+)

  1. Enter www.th.rhbtradesmart.com on browser Internet Explore. 
  2. Login by entering Username and Password obtained from the Company and press ‘LOGIN’.
  3. Select ‘Standard’ from eFin Trade + Stock Search Item.

Stock Search

  1. Press ‘F2’ to enter Market Watch page, then click Stock and type the stock’s name.
  2. The program will show details of the stock searched by the User.

Placing order

  1. Select trading account on the Account Item.
  2. Select buy (B) or sell (S) on the Side Item.
  3. Enter the details of your transaction and press ‘Send’.
  4. The program will show the window to confirm your order. Enter PIN and press ‘OK’.
  5. The program will show the transaction order on the upper side.

Cancel Order

  1. Select View Order menu [F6].
  2. Select the order you want to cancel (Highlighted). You can cancel more than 1 order by pressing at the square box in front of the order.
  3. Press ‘Cancel Order’ on the upper right of the screen. The program will show the window to confirm your cancellation.
  4. Confirm order cancellation by entering PIN and press ‘OK”.

Add stocks in Favorites

Step 1 Select Favorite you need to keep.


Step 2 Press ‘+Add’ or click at the line and type the name of the stock you want to add into Favorite. The program will show details of the said stock.


Delete stocks from Favorite

Step 1 Select the order you want to delete from Favorite.

Step 2  Click ‘–Del’. The stock’s name will disappear.